How Social Listening Can Help You Understand Your Customers
You’ve created great content, posted it on all your social media platforms, and now you’re done. Or so you thought. What if we told you that there’s more you can get from the things you post. Social insights allow brands to see what customers like and care about. When you take a look at which posts get the most engagement, reach, or views, you can make informed decisions on strategy.
Knowing how users are engaging with your content can also help you understand what content to make going forward. If you get a lot of comments, likes, or views on a specific type of post, make similar posts! If you don’t get a lot of love on a post, now you know that may not be what your audience is looking for.
Already have the basics of insights covered? Now it’s time to get even more results with a social listening strategy. Marking sentiment and tracking topics will allow you to have granular insights into your customers' behavior and perception of your brand. Ensuring that you’re armed with this knowledge will allow you to make informed decisions about your business.
Take a look at how a listening strategy helped guide our client throughout the year.
Company A received 45.6% positive quality mentions, but 41% negative price mentions, which may indicate that the customer thought the quality of the product was great, but the price was still too high.
After lowering the price point in Month 10 based on earlier insights, TwinBear saw a 21.6% increase in Company A's overall brand mentions.
TwinBear tracked every brand conversation by assigning a topic to each mention. This allowed Company A to see what was being discussed online and helped them to better understand customer needs and make the decision to prioritize marketing efforts toward Product 1.
While this type of knowledge can be very powerful, it can also be quite time consuming to track every conversation users are having about your brand online. TwinBear has the capabilities, experience and team ready to provide you with the information needed to gain that competitive edge.